Breast reduction

Disproportionately large breasts can cause symptoms like neck or back pain, breathing problems, physical discomfort, difficulty to find right-size clothing and poor posture. In these cases, breast reduction may be considered as a solution. Breast reduction surgery is also performed when one breast is larger than the other.

Surgery. Breast reduction is done in general anesthesia or in intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. According to patient’s anatomy, there are several types of techniques to perform breast reduction: liposuction (less invasive procedure for patients with good skin elasticity), vertical or ‘lollipop’ reduction (for moderate reduction), inverted-T or ‘anchor’ reduction (considering the high amount of tissue removed, this procedure is done for more significant breast reduction). Breasts are bandaged or put into special bra and patients are allowed to go home on the same day. Patients will usually go back to work in one week if their work does not require a lot of movement.

Breast reduction before and after in Lithuania, at Plastic Surgery Clinic in Kaunas

Before Breast reduction
After Breast reduction

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