Breast implants

Breast augmentation with implants is done then breasts are small, undeveloped, shapeless after breast feeding, asymmetrical, or when a woman wants to improve the aesthetical appearance of her body and to increase self-confidence. Breast implants are also used to reconstruct the breasts after mastectomy, during sex reassignment surgery, etc. The form and size of implants is chosen based on patient’s wishes, the form of the chest, its diameter, and the degree of breast sagging. It must be mentioned that if breasts show signs of advanced sagging, first they have to be pulled up, and only then implant surgery can be made. Implants can be filled with saline (sterile salt water), silicone gel or hydrogel. Saline implants are inserted empty and only then filled with fluid. Many women feel that silicone or hydrogel implants feel more natural than saline ones.

Surgery. Surgery is done under general anesthesia. Various types of incisions are used to insert the implant, by choosing inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scars (under the gland, through armpit, through areola, through the navel area). The implant is usually put beneath the muscle of the chest or under the breast tissue. A special type of graft made from skin or an absorbable mesh is used to hold the implant in place. Surgery is finished by draining the implant’s graft to get rid of tissue’s fluids and to keep the control of bleeding. A patient stays in clinic for 24 hours and goes home the next day. The results of breast augmentation are immediately visible. Physical movement should be limited during the first week after the surgery, and a special bra has to be worn for 4 weeks. There is no strict rule against exercising post-surgery, but it’s advisable not to do vigorous exercises, especially by moving hands.

Breast implants is one of the most popular, and very common surgeries. Currently, there is a tendency to choose smaller implants, which attracts many women, who previously might have been against breast augmentation. Female breasts are affected after childbirth and breastfeeding, so there is a big group of educated, socially active, working women who choose breast implants to improve their looks and self-confidence after having children. Another category of women who choose breast implants are those with small breasts, who want to improve their general aesthetical appearance.

There have recently been lots of changes and improvements in breast implant industry, and now women can choose the most advanced, natural-looking implants that will boost their self-confidence and improve their appearance.

Breast implants before and after in Lithuania, at Plastic Surgery Clinic in Kaunas

Before Breast implant
After Breast implant

Before Breast implant
After Breast implant

Before Breast implant
After Breast implant

Before Breast implant
After Breast implant

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