Nikolai Gogol, a famous Russian writer, once wrote a satirical short story called “The Nose.” Some believe that Gogol introduced a nose as a separate character due to his own experience with an oddly-shaped nose. Since nose sits in the centre of one’s face, it has a big impact on how a person sees themselves in a mirror every morning or how other people perceive them.
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is a popular procedure within the realm of plastic surgery that can give you the nose you always wanted. Thanks to medical innovations and experienced plastic surgeons, today you can correct that oddly-shaped nose or cure nasal breathing problems within a few weeks period.
What are the changes that can be made to the nose?
Typical rhinoplasty surgery can reduce or enlarge the overall size of the nose and reshape those nasal features that you find unattractive - such as the bump, the width of the nose, nasal tip, the size of the nostrils or nose-lip angle.
To give you a clearer glimpse of how rhinoplasty can change your nose and overall face appearance, here are some concrete surgical cases that were performed at Dr Papeckys Plastic Surgery Clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania.
It’s important to keep in mind that each result might vary individually. Before making any decision, the patient needs to have an expert consultation from a qualified plastic surgeon. Health Tourism Lithuania (HTLT) provides its clients with a free first consultation. More on our services and pricing you can find here.